
The visit of Erik Hanberg

We have a guest speaker the other day. Erik Hanberg is both an author and an entrepreneur. He lives in Tacoma, Washington with his wife Mary and two children. he has published a number of novels. He is unique in that he writes for non-profits with an aim of enhancing Tacoma and the Puget Sound. Erik is found to have extensive knowledge on non-profits, business, governance, marketing among other areas. Erik is described as a creative and resourceful person who has successfully created programs for his non-profits and written books that he markets strategically. Among the books and novels hat Erik has written include: The Lattice Trilogy, The Tin Whistle, The Iron Harvest, The Load Cloak, The Little Book of Likes: Social Media and The Little Books of Board: A Board among other titles. He has also written and directed award winning films in the Grand Cinema’s 72 Hour Film Competition. This is a festival that Erik created back in 2005 and served as the director. His work for th

How has technology changed our life

Technology has changed life in so many ways. For instance before the most initial technological development that produced automotive, people and goods could hardly move from one place to another. Goods produced at one place were hardly consumed elsewhere. With the invention of the automotive technology, goods and people became mobile and trade was made possible. Now technology has impacted every aspect of human livelihood. It has changed our social life, political and economic spheres by allowing greater connectivity in little amounts of time and efforts. Technology can be said to have successfully changed life. For instance the invention of cloud computing, machine learning, forecasting analytics and artificial intelligence are juts but few example of steps that have been made by humans due to technology. Basically, technology has facilitated data capture, analysis, sharing etc. in real time. Human creativity and problem solving has been greatly influenced by technology. Th

AI Sophia

I had seen about the AI Sophia sometimes when news about her hit the news. She is depicted as a beautiful woman though fragile and this prompted me to seek further details concerning her. In a conversation I overheard Sophia say that she is honored and proud to take up the unique and distinct position of being the first artificial human on earth. She further says that she looks forward to be granted Saudi Arabia full citizenship. I must admit the creators of Sophia have really tried to mimic God’s creation of human especially because Sophia can speak and act like human. However, I am personally against artificial intelligence that creates humans. This is because I do not think that humans can co-exists with robots especially now in the awakening of security concerns in many regions of the world. Secondly, I have never supported any attempt of human to act like God. While humans have been given the intelligence to dominate and rule the earth, I do not think that making human ro

The Machine is US

The author suggests that text is linear when written in paper but flexible, hyper and movable when in digital format. In this phrase I think the author intends to compare the traditional and modern writing methods. He clearly distinguishes between the two by describing the traditional one as linear while the digital format in non-linear. Linear text seems to be one that is printed in paper and cannot be easily retrieved unless one has the print media. On the other hand, the digital text is an example of a non-linear text. These texts provide an array of components including pictures, hyperlinks and sound effects. Basically, digital texts allows readers to access the information by searching for it. The availability of links permits movability of the digital format texts. I think the author is right. We are the machine. We create commands and give the computer a hint of what is expected from the command. The video is an outstanding one. The author has taken time to explain to to Dot.bomb

The companies that began in the 1990s has a very good beginning because it was the introduction of technology and the internet which were new and unexploited. They made good profits because they had many users and members and this gave rise to many companies joining the industry. As the industry grew, new technologies developed and new companies continued joining the field and they had to keep up with the pace of technological advancement. They enjoyed it until the year 2000 when a crash occurred and most companies left the industry probably because they had no business plan and just started the online business because it was marketable. This means that they had no future plans that could guide the growth and innovation of the company. They did not know how to remain competitive in the years to come and how to increase their market share. Most of the companies were rendered bankrupt because the huge sources of funds there were getting from the investors had seized an

The review of the film ""

           The documentary narrates the story of a couple of young businesspeople raising capital to startup a company that closes the bridges between the government and the people. The documentary open up with a young stud Khalil quitting his job to join his friends and start up the company. The company name is Govwork, where they hope to bridge the gap between people and the government by helping the government speed up some of their work . The documentary highlights the struggles and the challenges that entrepreneurs go through all the time while trying to start a business. Looking at the struggles that they are facing to start the company, entrepreneurs can mitigate ways in which they can avoid and add up to lead a successful company through this documentary video. The excellent video works highlight real event scenes of how to start a company from scratch and the motivation to never give up on your dreams.             While watching the video, I got a feeling of how it is tryin

Epic Video

     This video comprises a comprehensive documentary describing the emergence and evolution of the internet over the past two decades. It also discussed the invention of various search engines such as google, the journalism organizations like the New York Times, some social media platforms and the Amazon online store. The video also analyzes briefly the origin and progression of some rivalries between the webs companies for example the one between google and Microsoft, as well as the New York Times.         I think the content provided in the video is implausible with a very brief but informative explanation of the topic. The calm and clear commentary of the video is also incredible and understandable to any viewer who understands the least of English. The commentator also sorts his events according to the years in which they happened perfectly, starting with the earliest events to the latest events. The tenses used by the commentator is also excellent as it makes the viewer to live