The Machine is US

The author suggests that text is linear when written in paper but flexible, hyper and
movable when in digital format. In this phrase I think the author intends to compare the
traditional and modern writing methods. He clearly distinguishes between the two by describing
the traditional one as linear while the digital format in non-linear. Linear text seems to be one
that is printed in paper and cannot be easily retrieved unless one has the print media. On the
other hand, the digital text is an example of a non-linear text. These texts provide an array of
components including pictures, hyperlinks and sound effects. Basically, digital texts allows
readers to access the information by searching for it. The availability of links permits movability
of the digital format texts.
I think the author is right. We are the machine. We create commands and give the
computer a hint of what is expected from the command. The video is an outstanding one. The
author has taken time to explain to us every component of a link. He outlines the components of
a link to identify the title, description, list items, etc. I am particularly impressed by the way he
expresses the way we teach the machine that we consider to be a genius. He then calls us to
rethink a few things among them copyright, ethics, and governance among other things. This is
because the digital hypertext is not only linking information but also people. The video is an
excellent illustration of humans as the web.


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