the similarities and differences between traditional postal mail and email.

             I think traditional postal email and email are very similar because they all want to convey information. People used to write in hand and people still do nowadays, however, people started to email since the well development of science and technology. This new communication way has been very popular, even more popular than traditional postal email. The reason is about convenience. Email is way more convenient than traditional postal email. You want to send someone messages and email can have that done in a few seconds while traditional postal email can take up to a few days. This is a major difference, but why would people still use traditional postal email even they know email might be more convenient? This would bring to the another difference. Sometimes a postal email would show you put work into it and show your sincerity. For example, when you want to tell your girlfriend that you travel and everything looks nice, would she be more happy to see you sending postal email or just a regular email on laptop? Within its similarities and differences, these two are both a way to communicate and covey messages to someone.
              I feel more like a habit. You have a choice now. If the technology does not develop, you can only write when you dont have a choice. have a choice. Its as if people are still afraid of snakes because snakes are a threat to human survival. Its because the snake was a natural enemies of human beings written into the genes. Maybe people who like to write letters or deliberately pursue slow speed are more likely interested in old style.


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