Guest Speaker

We had a guest speaker of Brain the other day, and he shared about some interesting news to us and we just had a discussion about how media and technology influences us. One news that I was impressed is that a company can predict whether you are pregnant or not based on what you have bought from Amazon or Walmart (I cant recall). This sounds a bit creepy to me because i wont be that surprised if a girl just walked into a store and bought some diaper. But if just base on what they buy in their daily life, I will be surprised how they predict whether you are pregnant and have a high possibility of getting it right. And when he talked about that if you have more than 20 likes in certain content or images in Facebook, you are targeted. I feel like this might be a bit dangerous because I feel like this should be personal privacy. If you have information about how this people or maybe you can target at someones precise information, you could sell to companies that rely on this information to make a profit. And that may be a reason that sometimes you will be receiving a call who knows about your information and try to scam. I think privacy is very important and within the development of media and technology, people should also pay attention to this certain rules to make sure no illegal behavior can be happen like this. 


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